Whistleblowing, control and internal routines on one platform

Manymore has the tools that prevent unwanted events in your organization and that enable you to prevent the worst from becoming even worse.

Safeguarding in a circle

Some of our customers

Reduce the risk of unwanted incidents

Safe recruitment, preventive training and whistleblowing options are the recipe for a healthy organisation.

Save time and money
Increase security in both everyday life and in the work place

Automated processes give you control and an overview - and strengthened trust internally and externally

Shield icon
Strengthen reputation, trust and reduce sickness absence

Show that you take security and whistleblowing seriously, Stop the damage before it happens or before it gets worse.

Always a complete overview. And insight.

The choice is simple. With Manymore, you will quickly get a full overview of all staff, candidates and contacts belonging to your team. You can see a detailed overview of each individual and log on to all of them.

Everything is of course adapted to GDPR and gives you secure access control to protect the privacy of everyone registered in the system.

Staff overview

Get the best safeguarding system

Hundreds of companies and organisations use Manymore to help them prevent and automate control routines:

Shield with cross
Prevent incidents and protect reputation

A good system and good routines are the best safety valve for quickly dealing with problems internally and preventing future incidents.

Show that you care

Create a culture of openness and show that you care about your employees, customers, services and surroundings

Ensure privacy and security

Access control ensures that only those you want have access to the information they need.

Easy to use

Both children, young people and the elderly can easily use the portal.

Choose your language

Manymore supports both Norwegian and English, and more languages ​​are on the way

EU GDPR symbol
GDPR and EU compliant

Handle notifications in accordance with GDPR and European legislation.

Satisfied customers

Coaching football children

The system is intuitive to use for the club, in addition to the coaches and volunteers finding it easy.

Espen Monsen, Vestsiden-Askøy IL

Safeguarding is about creating a culture of safety

Safety culture is about trust and openness and, not least, feeling safe.

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  • Transparency
  • Trust
  • Safety

Safeguarding in numbers

ID check
12 000ID checks
10 000users
background checks
8000Background checks
preventive course
6000Preventive course
Security and compliance icons
safety cabinet
Compliance of safeguarding

Comply with laws and regulations

There are a number of requirements and orders from the authorities that organisations must take into account:

  • Notification processes and systems. Deviation management
  • Check and verification of employees, including criminal record certificates for various posts and positions
  • Documentation and written agreements
  • Privacy and GDPR

Manymore stores all data in the EU, and our parent company is ISO certified ISO 9001:2015 & ISO 27001:2017.